Are Store Sale Signs Great or Showing Us The Extreme Mark Up Of Products?

Are Sales Signs Great?

Are Sale Signs That Great?

I admit… I’m a price shopper… A NOW ON SALE sign will get my blood pumping and automatically I am thinking of the money I am saving… So what’s the problem.

So what’s the problem here… well what if you needed something that wasn’t on sale. You know a sale will happen but of course they won’t ever tell you that… and if it does go on sale, the store may not have enough in stock to begin with.

Diva Dan and I were looking for an electric lawn mower.

  1. Diva Dan doesn’t want to use GASOLINE and cause more pollution with mowing the grass.
  2. He’s hit a rock with our lawn mower and I think busted the internal gears. It still works but sounds like a farm tractor.
  3. Our current lawn mower is doomed for the dump.

So we were looking at Canadian Tire to buy a new mower. (It’s like a Home Depot but Canadian Version). They have this 14″ Lawn Mower for $159.99 but we think it’s a bit too narrow! So we decide to continue to shop for the next size up… but the next size up is regular price and we don’t want to spend that type of money at this time.

I was looking for the Canadian Tire flyer and seen that 14″ mower again but the price has dropped to $90.00. With taxes, the price savings is nearly $80.00.

Which brings me to my point!

If I was compulsive, I would have bought the lawn mower for $159.99 plus Taxes = 181.00. and Merely 3 days later the flyer comes out saying the price had an $80.00 price drop for THIS WEEK ONLY!  I turned to Diva Dan and told him… if we would have bought it… we would have just been ripped off by $80.00.

When I see a sale sign… my immediate reaction is… OH LOOK… They can drop the price by $80.00??? Does this mean there was that much mark up in the product to begin with. We’ve all heard of loss leaders could this have been one of them?

I bought a mixer that day for $12.00, regular price $40.00… they were having a sale… dropping the price $28.00… YES I BENEFIT in buying it on sale like this… but for those who purchased the mixer at regular price… did they just get screwed over?

So I am thinking it’s working like this… IMPORTED FROM CHINA equals really cheap but REALLY HIGH MARK UP… Charging the suckers who pay full price are compensating for those like me who are waiting for the sales.

Diva Dan’s Counter Top Mixer was $100.00 off the price… so how can they drop a price $100.00 in the first place? Wouldn’t they have been better off to lower the regular retail price and sell more of it, instead of few at a higher cost.

I believe what Donald Trump says and don’t quote me on this… “You can make more money selling stuff at a reduced price by selling more volume than you would selling it at a regular price and selling few!”

What do you think? Are We Being Scammed?
